Turnabout is fair play, I suppose.

I often wonder what artists really think when instead of merely covering their songs, or even rearranging them, Bruce changes the lyrics and reinvents the song entirely.

But I never stopped to wonder how Bruce would feel if someone did the same thing to him.

That is, until I heard the late, great Solomon Burke cover the opening track from Bruce’s Tunnel of Love album, “Ain’t Got You” on Burke’s 2006 album, Nashville. Knowing of Bruce’s reverence for Burke, I can’t help but think his “yes” was out of his mouth before Burke even finished asking for permission. I imagine Bruce was pretty intrigued by Burke’s song choice as well.

But I’m not sure that Bruce anticipated where Burke was going to take his song. Not only did Burke completely transform Bruce’s original with an infectious country roots arrangement (featuring Garry Tallent on bass–who ironically did not play on the original version), he put his own lyrical stamp on it as well.

For most of the song, the lyric changes are stylistic, better suited to his increasingly over-the-top vocal performance. But after the bridge… well, you’ll need to listen for yourself:

Well, now. “Smoke my cigar,” indeed.

What was once a sweet, rueful love song by a rock star who realized that all the money and fame in the world can’t buy love is now a spiteful celebration of sex and excess without consequences. In Burke’s version, the singer celebrates the fact that he ain’t got the girl, and by the end of the song (“what are you doing with my checkbook?”), Burke has not only taken Bruce’s song off the rails, he’s sent it over a cliff.

But like I always say: if you’re gonna cover Bruce, be different or be great.

This one is definitely different.

As for great… you tell me. What do you think?



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