Today marks the end of Year Four of this site’s daily mission to document every song Bruce Springsteen has ever written, recorded, or performed in concert.

It also marks:

  • 2,949 blog posts over 1,461 consecutive days of daily publishing
  • The completion of my annual refresh project–every Roll of the Dice, Cover Me, Meeting Across the River, Where the Band Was, and Two Faces entry is now refreshed with repaired media links and new cross-site links.
  • The end of the Kingdom of Days series (but don’t worry–it restarts tomorrow!)

Whether you’ve been with me from the beginning or just discovered this site for the first time today, I’d like to take a moment to thank you for reading, subscribing, commenting, liking and/or sharing.

I’m continually amazed and humbled that so many people stop by each day. It took more than three years to reach a million article views; this year we’ll not only pass the two million but possibly the three-million mark as well!

And that doesn’t even account for those of you who subscribe and are reading this in your inbox right now instead of your browser–you account for over 1.25 million e-mails this past year alone!

As always, special thanks to those of you who have written to me with corrections, additional information, absolutely amazing “I was there” stories (especially my “Where the Band Was” guest bloggers who gave me welcome writing reprieves from time to time–please drop me a line if you’d like to share your story), personal anecdotes, and alternative interpretations. That’s been my absolute favorite part of these four years, and as a result I feel like I’ve learned at least as much as I’ve shared.

Extra special thanks to recurring guest-blogger Katy Crane, who kicked off a new Two Faces series recently and immediately notched two of the site’s ten most popular posts of the year. I’m hopeful that we’ll continue to enjoy her writing whenever her busy schedule allows.

And my profound thanks to Lori Pierce, who appears in my inbox within minutes of a typo showing up in one of my essays (in other words, pretty much every day). She’s my pro bono, ex post facto copy editor, and I am deeply grateful for her eagle eye and writer’s voice.

As mentioned above, today marks the end of the year-long Kingdom of Days series–but if you enjoy those, fear not: the series restarts tomorrow, with new events from 2021, repaired and fresh media, and new information turned up during my research this past year.

In addition, I’ll continue to spotlight an original Springsteen songcover, or team-up each day, health and work schedule permitting.

According to my tracking spreadsheet, I still have about 300 articles left to write before I bring this project to a close, so we’ve still got a long way to travel together. I hope you stick with me for the rest of the ride.

Thanks again for reading. Onward to Year Five!

20 Replies to “Year Four: Complete!”

  1. Thank you, Ken! I am a couple of years in, I think, and enjoy it so much! Well done, Sur.

    1. Thank you for this blog – it is a blessing and your hard work is appreciated- All the best in 2022

  2. Congratulations, Ken!!! I start off my daily routine reading the Shuffle – Cover Me and Kingdom of Days. I appreciate the work you put into this. Thank you so much!!

  3. Thank you, Ken! This collection is a treasure trove of musical history. What you have set out to do is nothing short of extraordinary. I love it and cherish it every day. It has been especially comforting during the last year but also something to be enjoyed forever – a constant journey of a rock and roll repetoire that can only happen once in a lifetime. You have catalouged it and we, if I can speak along with my fellow fans, are grateful for it. Happy NEW YEAR!

  4. WOW Ken! You have channeled your hobby like nobody’s business!! Taking some deep listens to songs with your interpretations and see them so differently is a gift. I also appreciate your humility, honestly, modesty, and the sharing of very personal experiences (your dad, your grandchild, your daughters) through the lens of Bruce’s songs and how much that resonates with me. I don’t know how you manage to do so much but thank you for doing it and CONGRATULATIONS on a job well done!! I’m so glad you said there is more to come because I really like seeing what comes up in my inbox. The Two Faces is a great add and thanks for branching out to add this. You have provided a great gift and I’m so happy to hear how your readership has grown. May you continue to be well and thank you!!

  5. Congrats on your extraordinary journey to date!!! I hope you will consider a book deal or else just to have the estreetshuffle exist in “rerun heaven!”

  6. I’m so happy to have made a small contribution to your work over the last few years. It’s a pleasure every day, especially our “off-mike” conversations about things mundane and profound. (Still working on the RotD re-edits…)

  7. Another note of thanks for all you do on this site. I appreciate your commitment, your insights and for sharing some of your personal life in your writing. This is a community of my people and I look forward to visiting every night.

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