The Gresham Flyers were a London-based power pop septet that were generating some indie pop buzz there for a while back in the mid-2000s.

Unfortunately, the band broke up in 2011, but they were on the scene long enough to contribute one of the strongest tracks on the outstanding Springsteen tribute album, Play Some Pool, Skip Some School, Act Real Cool.  (Check out other great featured tracks from the album here.)

Now, if you’re a Springsteen fan (and of course you are, or you wouldn’t be reading this), you might be thinking that “Magic” and power pop don’t exactly go together.

To that, I answer only: listen to this.

The Flyers do a bang-up job of transforming Bruce’s moody caution into a sinister rocker without losing an ounce of the original’s impact–which is good, because this is a song that deserves attention today more than ever.


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