Some shows stand out more for the setting than the show, and this was one of them.

Not that the performance was lacking–in fact, it was full of highlights, from the full-band world premiere of “Across the Border,” to a rare “Something in the Night,” to an always-welcome “My Love Will Not Let You Down,” to my very first “Rosalita (Come Out Tonight),” which until the summer of 2003 had gone AWOL from non-NJ shows for almost two decades. “Across the Border” in particular was a revelation–it was the first time I realized that the mighty E Street Band is as versatile as it is powerful, delivering a performance of delicate beauty that held an entire ballpark under its spell.

But this was also the my first stadium show, the first show I traveled more than a few hours’ drive to, the first of many shows I’ve seen with my friend Steve, and most importantly–my first real full-day experience with E Street Nation. Steve and I waited on line all day long to ensure a great spot in the pit (this show had designated pit tickets, so it was purely a matter of where–not if–we’d be in the pit), and while it wasn’t the first time I’d done that, it was by far the best time.

There couldn’t possibly have been  more beautiful weather anywhere than in San Francisco on that August day–it was balmy, breezy, and without a trace of humidity. The line-up area outside of Pac Bell Park had a gorgeous view of the water and plenty of room to mill about and mingle. I had a good friend with me; I found people I’d met and hung out with in Vancouver that spring; and I met people who became instant friends, or people who become friends many shows and many years later.

In short, this was the show where I caught the travel bug, and before Bruce’s next appearance in Seattle almost exactly two years later, I would catch four other shows in four other cities. And I was just getting started.

3 Replies to “Where the Band Was: San Francisco, August 16, 2003”

  1. KEN. I am really enjoying your write-ups on your travels and shows you have seen. I really appreciate the historical homework you are doing. Keep it up. This fan is a traveler when she has the $$$ to do so. Thank you so much. Here’s to being a gypsy rider Across all boarders. Blessings 💕🎸🎶

  2. Ken, I was at this show too in the pit too. Awesome ballpark, perfect weather, really a nice night. A true California vibe to the show, which being from Nashville I appreciated. I always felt Worlds Apart was underrated, really a live standout with ferocious guitar work that I believe was only played two more times after this show.

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