In general, second shows of the tour are basically repeats of the first show. Don’t go expecting anything different until the kinks are worked out a week or two in, but do go if you want to enjoy new material that will likely get dropped from the setlist within a matter of weeks (if not days).

That’s one reason why I followed up the Atlanta Wrecking Ball opener with the Greensboro show the next night. That, plus: Greensboro crowds really are among the best in the US. Maybe even THE best.

Like Bruce, I have no idea why that would be so, but to my eyes and ears it empirically is. The two Greensboro shows I’ve seen (2009 and 2012) are two of the highest-energy Bruce shows I’ve witnessed, and a hot crowd can elevate a standard setlist to a whole other level.

The band was more comfortable and confident on Night Two of the tour, and the set was rapidly coalescing into a tightly focused commentary on the times.


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