An embarrassment of riches on this date in Bruce history: the one and only performance of “Hunter of Invisible Game,” a Grammy performance with Paul McCartney, a Johnny Cash tribute, and much more–great footage and audio today!
Tag: I Wanna Marry You
On this date: Listen to a great Springsteen concert recording from 1974, watch Bruce’s first press conference in 20 years, and more.
Hear fans sing “Hungry Heart” to Bruce for the first time; watch Bruce give a remarkable interview to Charlie Rose; and catch Adam Sandler’s Bruce impression on SNL. These and more highlights inside, all from this date in history.
The live debut of “I Wanna Be With You” and the first public Seeger Sessions warm-up show lead the highlights from this date in Bruce history.
This early love song hasn’t aged well but it paved the way for Bruce’s more mature and nuanced reflections on love and marriage.
Bruce often leads in to live performances of “I Wanna Marry You” with a gorgeous, unreleased song that pre-dates it by several years.
Bookended by a wild card opener and closer, punctuated by a full Born to Run album performance and the debut of Philly Elvis, my last show at the Spectrum was a memorable one.
The first second night of the 2016 tour featured St. Patrick Day surprises and an extended ESB family reunion.
A fantastic opener to a sizzling three-night stand that sent off the L.A. Sports Arena off to meet the Wrecking Ball in style.