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1957: As he will recount decades later in Springsteen on Broadway, seven-year-old Bruce Springsteen stays up late to watch Elvis Presley perform on the Ed Sullivan show.
1973: Bruce play two shows at the legendary Main Point in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, opening for Travis Shook and The Club Wow.
1974: Bruce plays the second of a three-night stand at Joe’s Place in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The setlist features a rare performance of “Zero and Blind Terry.”
That afternoon, before the show, Bruce and the band rehearse “Does This Bus Stop at 82nd Street?” with the intent for a full take to air on a local telethon. That rehearsal recording will surface decades later and can be found on the essential Odds & Sods bootleg compilation.
1987: A newly published telephone poll reveals that 27% of all American adults (+/- 3 points) consider themselves Springsteen fans, and 46% have a positive opinion about him.
1993: Bruce sings “If I Should Fall Behind” at the funeral of Kristen Ann Carr, his managers’ daughter. After Carr dies of cancer at the age of 21, her family establishes The Kristen Ann Carr Fund to raise money for the fight against cancer. Bruce will play several benefits for the organization over the years that follow.