New for 2024: No updates

1968: Bruce catches The Doors’ concert at Asbury Park’s Convention Hall. Watch actual footage of Jim Morrison from that day below.

1973: Bruce and his band play two shows at Fat City in Seaside Heights, New Jersey.

1975: Bruce plays tour guide and historian to Phil Ceccola, who interviews and photographs Bruce around Asbury Park. The interview remains unpublished.

1985: What was originally scheduled to be the closing night of six shows at Giants Stadium (the August 30 show was rained out and postponed until September 1, making it the new closer) is still pretty special: Little Steven rejoins the E Street Band for the encores, which end with the live debut of “Stand On It.”

1999: Bruce and the reunited E Street Band kick off a three-show stand at the MCI Center in Washington, DC.

2003: Bruce and the E Street Band close out their ten-night stand at Giants Stadium, opening with the very first live performance of “Cynthia.” A few songs later, “Lucky Town” makes its only tour appearance, and a full-band “Jersey Girl” fittingly closes the show.

2018: Springsteen on Broadway continues its theatrical run at the Walter Kerr Theater in New York City.

2021: Springsteen on Broadway kicks off the final week of its limited return engagement at the St. James Theater in New York City.


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