Wait for it.

Trust me, it’s worth it.

King Hannah’s spectacular cover of “State Trooper” is just getting started right about at the point we expect it to end, and then it continues for almost another three minutes. And those three minutes elevate their version from just a great cover to possibly the best version of “State Trooper” I’ve ever heard.

Hannah Merrick’s detached vocal performance perfectly nails the alienation in Springsteen’s original, and her whoop that ushers in that tremendous outro is an arguable one-up.

Even so, it’s lead guitarist Craig Whittle who steals the show with a nearly three-minute long guitar solo that proves that even the most brooding of Bruce’s Nebraska material can rock.

It’s an impressive performance by the U.K.-based duo that translates powerfully to the stage, too, appearing frequently in their sets since they released their studio version last year.

If you like what you heard above, check out more of King Hannah’s music here.

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